Magazines feedback and learner response

 WWW: Three good-quality answers with impressive use of media language – you cover a range of conventions and connotations and discuss the potential meanings they create.

EBI: For Q1, you provide good examples of conventions but don’t actually answer the initial part of the question – what is a convention? It is a typical feature – and then your magazine cover examples are perfect.

You also need to keep an eye on your written English and Media terminology – things like using capital letters correctly and not confusing ‘serif’ and ‘sans serif’ (the Tatler title is written in serif to connote tradition and class).
Finally, look at your exam technique. You have written around the same for Q2 (6 marks) as Q3 (12 marks). This is one to be careful of in the exam. Try and write one or two good paragraphs for a 6-mark question and two or three good paragraphs for a 12-mark question.
1)Learn difference between 'sans' and 'sans serif'
2)Not repeat points.
3)Use stereotypes to explain point.


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